An authorized dealer accesses the platform through his email and password. When ordering, he can read the sales price assigned to him and to the public. A Reseller purchase results in an order to be confirmed by the Copem Group and in general, each action will only take effect following the approval of the Copem Group.
For an Authorized Reseller there is no possibility to pay directly online, when ordering he can choose to buy in:
- ADVANCE PAYMENT: Price for payment in advance after order confirmation
- ONCONSIGNMENT: Price increased for this option
- 30-60-90-120 Days: Terms of payment accessible by increasing the price depending on the choice
Furthermore, Authorized Resellers will find these terms:
- Shipping: Carrier shipping cost
- Shipping Return: Shipping cost for goods returned
- Shipping Insurance: Cost of insurance
- Permance Insurance: Insurance for the permanence of the goods in view at your Store. The goods remain the property of Copem Group - Copem & Co. from which they are insured.


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